
この章では、 HERE GNSS API がサポートするすべてのデータ型を 4 つのセクションに分けて一覧表示します。 これらの各タイプの詳細について data_types.protoは、 Protobuf ファイルを参照してください。 これには、ペイロードの形式、追加のパラメータ、および必須のサブ要素が含まれます。

LPP 17.4.0 ASN.1 スキーマ 」の章では、アップエンコードされた LPP データに使用されている LPP 17.4.0 スキーマのすべてを示しています。 「 LPP ASN.1 スキーマ 」の章には、 BER でエンコードされた LPP データに使用されている古い LPP スキーマ が示されています。 古い LPP スキーマではなく、 LPP 17.4.0 スキーマベースのデータ型を使用します。

Request.data_type データのリクエスト時またはサブスクライブ時に、データ型の番号をに割り当てます。

データ型の非推奨ステータスには特に注意してください。 廃止予定のデータ型を使用している場合は、廃止予定のデータ型を置き換える新しいデータ型に切り替えてください。

data_types.protoこのファイルは、 data_types.proto からダウンロードできます。

GNSS 支援データ。


データタイプ ID 説明
データ型 _LPP_AGNSS _GPS 1100 GPS コンステレーションのアシスタンスデータ
DATATITATE_LPP_AGNSS _QZS 1120 QZSS コンステレーションのアシスタンスデータ
データ型 _LPP_AGNSS _GAL 1130 Galileo Constellation の支援データ
データ型 _LPP_AGNSS _Glo 1140 GLONASS コンステレーションのアシスタンスデータ
データ型 _LPP_AGNSS _BEI 1150 Beidou constellation の支援データ


データタイプ ID 説明
データ型 _AGNSS _GPS 18005 GPS コンステレーションのアシスタンスデータ
データ型 _AGNSS _GLO 18006 GLONASS コンステレーションのアシスタンスデータ
データ型 _AGNSS _GAL 18007 Galileo Constellation の支援データ
データ型 _AGNSS _BEI 18008 Beidou constellation の支援データ
データ型 _AGNSS _QZS 18030 QZSS コンステレーションのアシスタンスデータ

HD GNSS 補正データ。


データタイプ ID 説明
データ型 _LPP_CODE_BIAS_GPS 1400 GPS コンステレーションのコードバイアスデータ
データ型 _LPP_CODE_BIAS_GAL 1430 Galileo コンステレーションのコードバイアスデータ
DataType_LPP_CODE_BIAS_GLO 1440 GLONASS コンステレーションのコード・バイアス・データ
データ型 _LPP_CODE_BIAS_BEI 1450 Beidou コンステレーションのコードバイアスデータ
データ型 _LPP_IONO_GPS 1500 GPS コンステレーションの電離層補正
データ型 _LPP_IONO_GAL 1530 ガリレオ星座の電離圏の修正
データ型 _LPP_IONO_BEI 1550 Beidou constellation の電離層補正
datatype_LPP_clock_and_orbit_gps 3000 GPS コンステレーションのクロックと軌道の補正を組み合わせたものです
datatype_LPP_clock_and_orbit_gal 3030 ガリレオ星座の時計と軌道の補正を組み合わせたものです
datatype_LPP_clock_and_orbit_glo 3040 GLONASS コンステレーションのクロックと軌道の補正を組み合わせたものです
datatype_LPP_clock_and_orbit_BEI 3050 Beidou コンステレーションのクロックと軌道の補正を組み合わせました


データタイプ ID 説明
datatype_ionex 17000 IOEX 1.1 形式のグローバル電離圏モデル( GIM )
datatype_bsx 17001 BSX 形式の差動コードバイアス( DCB )データ
datatype_gps_clocks 18009 GPS コンステレーションのクロック補正
datatype_glo_clocks 18010 GLONASS コンステレーションのクロック補正
データ型 _gal_clocks 18011 ガリレオ星座の時計の修正
datatype_BEI_clocks 18012 Beidou constellation のクロック補正
datatype_gps_orbits 18013 GPS コンステレーションの軌道修正
datatype_glo_orbits 18014 GLONASS コンステレーションの軌道修正
datatype_gal_orbits 18015 ガリレオ星座の軌道修正
datatype_BEI_orbits 18016 Beidou constellation の軌道修正
datatype_gps_orbits_rac 18020 GPS コンステレーションの軌道直交軌道修正
datatype_glo_orbits_rac 18021 GLONASS コンステレーションの軌道直交軌道修正
datatype_gal_orbits_rac 18022 Galileo の軌道直交軌道修正
datatype_BEI_orbits_rac 18023 Beidou コンステレーションの軌道直交軌道修正
datatype_gps_code_bias 18050 GPS コンステレーションのコードバイアスデータ
datatype_glo_code_bias 18051 GLONASS コンステレーションのコード・バイアス・データ
datatype_gal_code_bias 18052 Galileo コンステレーションのコードバイアスデータ
datatype_BEI_CODE_BIAS 18053 Beidou コンステレーションのコードバイアスデータ
データ型 _GPS_IONO 23000 GPS の電離層補正
データ型 _GAL_IONO 23002 ガリレオの電離層補正
datatype_BEI_IONO 23003 Beidou の電離層補正

予測された GNSS 支援データ。


データタイプ ID 説明
データ型 _LPP_NAV_MODEL_REQUESTION_GPS 1600 GPS コンステレーションの予測ナビゲーションモデル
データ型 _LPP_NAV_MODEL_REQUESTION_GAL 1630 ガリレオ星座の予想ナビゲーションモデル
データ型 _LPP_NAV_MODEL_FORMATIONS_GLO 1640 GLONASS コンステレーションの予測ナビゲーションモデル
データ型 _LPP_NAV_MODEL_FORMATIONS_BEI 1650 ビドー・コンステレーションの予想ナビゲーションモデル


データタイプ ID 説明
データ型 _NAV_MODEL_REQUESTION_GPS 22000 GPS の予測ナビゲーションモデル
データ型 _NAV_MODEL_FORMATIONS_GLO 22020 GLONASS の予測ナビゲーションモデル
データ型 _NAV_MODEL_FORMATIONS_GAL 22040 ガリレオで予測されたナビゲーションモデル
データ型 _NAV_MODEL_FORMATIONS_BEI 22060 Beidou のナビゲーションモデルを予測


予測ナビゲーションモデルは、各コンステレーションの運用衛星にのみ提供されます。 衛星が利用できない既知の停止期間がある場合、その予測は停止期間中に計算されません。



データタイプ ID 説明
datatype_unix_timestamp 20000 Unix エポックからの経過時間 ( ミリ秒 )
datatype_iso_8601_datetime 20001 人間が読み取り可能な ISO 8601 形式の日付時刻文字列

data_types.proto の内容

Copyright (C) 2019-2023 HERE Global B.V. and its affiliate(s).
All rights reserved.
This software and other materials contain proprietary information
controlled by HERE and are protected by applicable copyright legislation.
Any use and utilization of this software and other materials and
disclosure to any third parties is conditional upon having a separate
agreement with HERE for the access, use, utilization or disclosure of this
software. In the absence of such agreement, the use of the software is not

HERE GNSS Assistance protocol - Data types

Each data type value is an agreement about the details of the data, including:
 - format (e.g. LPP)
 - data contents (e.g. GPS ephemerides)
 - parameters for requesting the data (e.g. client location)
Once the details for some data type constant has been agreed on, the agreement
cannot be changed (unless absolutely sure that no-one is relying on the old
agreement). New data type constant has to be allocated for a new revised
(non-backward-compatible) version of the agreement.

syntax = "proto3";

package here.gnss;

enum DataType {

  /* default value = no DataType value specified */

   * Assistance data for GPS constellation.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: UPER encoded LPP 17.4.0, root element LPP-Message
   * Essential elements: gnss-ReferenceTime, gnss-IonosphericModel,
   * gnss-TimeModels, gnss-NavigationModel, gnss-RealTimeIntegrity,
   * gnss-Almanac, gnss-UTC-Model, gnss-AuxiliaryInformation

   * Assistance data for QZSS constellation.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: UPER encoded LPP 17.4.0, root element LPP-Message
   * Essential elements: gnss-ReferenceTime, gnss-IonosphericModel,
   * gnss-TimeModels, gnss-NavigationModel, gnss-RealTimeIntegrity,
   * gnss-Almanac, gnss-UTC-Model

   * Assistance data for Galileo constellation.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: UPER encoded LPP 17.4.0, root element LPP-Message
   * Essential elements: gnss-ReferenceTime, gnss-IonosphericModel,
   * gnss-TimeModels, gnss-NavigationModel, gnss-RealTimeIntegrity,
   * gnss-Almanac, gnss-UTC-Model

   * Assistance data for GLONASS constellation.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: UPER encoded LPP 17.4.0, root element LPP-Message
   * Essential elements: gnss-ReferenceTime, gnss-NavigationModel,
   * gnss-RealTimeIntegrity, gnss-Almanac, gnss-UTC-Model,
   * gnss-AuxiliaryInformation

   * Assistance data for Beidou constellation.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: UPER encoded LPP 17.4.0, root element LPP-Message
   * Essential elements: gnss-ReferenceTime, gnss-IonosphericModel,
   * gnss-TimeModels, gnss-NavigationModel, gnss-RealTimeIntegrity,
   * gnss-Almanac, gnss-UTC-Model

   * Code Bias data for GPS constellation.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: UPER encoded LPP 17.4.0, root element LPP-Message
   * Essential elements: gnss-SSR-CodeBias-r15

   * Code Bias data for Galileo constellation.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: UPER encoded LPP 17.4.0, root element LPP-Message
   * Essential elements: gnss-SSR-CodeBias-r15

   * Code Bias data for GLONASS constellation.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: UPER encoded LPP 17.4.0, root element LPP-Message
   * Essential elements: gnss-SSR-CodeBias-r15

   * Code Bias data for Beidou constellation.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: UPER encoded LPP 17.4.0, root element LPP-Message
   * Essential elements: gnss-SSR-CodeBias-r15

   * Ionospheric corrections for GPS constellation.
   * The request may include parameter ParamsIonoCorrections,
   * see the definition of it for further details.
   * Format: UPER encoded LPP 17.4.0, root element LPP-Message
   * Essential elements: Either GNSS-SSR-CorrectionPoints
   * (referred to as "grid" in this specification) or
   * GNSS-SSR-STEC-Correction and GNSS-SSR-GriddedCorrection elements
   * (referred to as "corrections" in this specification).

   * Ionospheric corrections for Galileo constellation.
   * The request may include parameter ParamsIonoCorrections,
   * see the definition of it for further details.
   * Format: UPER encoded LPP 17.4.0, root element LPP-Message
   * Essential elements: Either GNSS-SSR-CorrectionPoints
   * (referred to as "grid" in this specification) or
   * GNSS-SSR-STEC-Correction and GNSS-SSR-GriddedCorrection elements
   * (referred to as "corrections" in this specification).

   * Ionospheric corrections for GLONASS constellation.
   * The request may include parameter ParamsIonoCorrections,
   * see the definition of it for further details.
   * Format: UPER encoded LPP 17.4.0, root element LPP-Message
   * Essential elements: Either GNSS-SSR-CorrectionPoints
   * (referred to as "grid" in this specification) or
   * GNSS-SSR-STEC-Correction and GNSS-SSR-GriddedCorrection elements
   * (referred to as "corrections" in this specification).

   * Ionospheric corrections for Beidou constellation.
   * The request may include parameter ParamsIonoCorrections,
   * see the definition of it for further details.
   * Format: UPER encoded LPP 17.4.0, root element LPP-Message
   * Essential elements: Either GNSS-SSR-CorrectionPoints
   * (referred to as "grid" in this specification) or
   * GNSS-SSR-STEC-Correction and GNSS-SSR-GriddedCorrection elements
   * (referred to as "corrections" in this specification).

   * Predicted navigation models for GPS constellation.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * The prediction period is 14 days.
   * Format: UPER encoded LPP 17.4.0, root element LPP-Message
   * Each element provides predicted navigation models for same Toe (Time of
   * Ephemeris) for all valid GPS satellites. The validity of the navigation
   * models starts 2 hours before the Toe and ends 2 hours after the Toe.
   * The interval between A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData elements is 2 hours.
   * Therefore, 12 elements are needed to provide predictions for one day.

   * Predicted navigation models for Galileo constellation.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * The prediction period is 7 days.
   * Format: UPER encoded LPP 17.4.0, root element LPP-Message
   * Each element provides predicted navigation models for same Toe (Time of
   * Ephemeris) for all valid Galileo satellites. The validity of the navigation
   * models starts 2 hours before the Toe and ends 2 hours after the Toe.
   * The interval between A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData elements is 1 hour.
   * Therefore, 24 elements are needed to provide predictions for one day.

   * Predicted navigation models for GLONASS constellation.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * The prediction period is 14 days.
   * Format: UPER encoded LPP 17.4.0, root element LPP-Message
   * Each element provides predicted navigation models for same time for all
   * valid GLONASS satellites. Each navigation model contains tb value that is
   * the index of a 0.5 hour time interval within current day. The validity of
   * the navigation models starts at the beginning of the specified time
   * interval and ends when the time interval ends.
   * The interval between A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData elements is 0.5 hours.
   * Therefore, 48 elements are needed to provide predictions for one day.

   * Predicted navigation models for Beidou constellation.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * The prediction period is 7 days.
   * Format: UPER encoded LPP 17.4.0, root element LPP-Message
   * Each element provides predicted navigation models for same Toe (Time of
   * Ephemeris) for all valid Beidou satellites. The validity of the navigation
   * models starts 2 hours before the Toe and ends 2 hours after the Toe.
   * The interval between A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData elements is 2 hour.
   * Therefore, 12 elements are needed to provide predictions for one day.

   * Combined clock and orbit corrections for GPS constellation.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: UPER encoded LPP 17.4.0, root element LPP-Message
   * Essential elements: gnss-SSR-ClockCorrections-r15,
   * gnss-SSR-OrbitCorrections-r15

   * Combined clock and orbit corrections for Galileo constellation.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: UPER encoded LPP 17.4.0, root element LPP-Message
   * Essential elements: gnss-SSR-ClockCorrections-r15,
   * gnss-SSR-OrbitCorrections-r15

   * Combined clock and orbit corrections for GLONASS constellation.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: UPER encoded LPP 17.4.0, root element LPP-Message
   * Essential elements: gnss-SSR-ClockCorrections-r15,
   * gnss-SSR-OrbitCorrections-r15

   * Combined clock and orbit corrections for Beidou constellation.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: UPER encoded LPP 17.4.0, root element LPP-Message
   * Essential elements: gnss-SSR-ClockCorrections-r15,
   * gnss-SSR-OrbitCorrections-r15

   * Global ionospheric models (GIM) in IONEX 1.1 format.
   * Contains 1-day to 2-day predicted GIMs.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use DATATYPE_LPP_IONO_XXX instead.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: IONEX 1.1

   * Differential code bias (DCB) data in BSX format.
   * (Bias Solution INdependent EXchange Format aka Bias-SINEX)
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use DATATYPE_LPP_CODE_BIAS_XXX instead.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: Bias-SINEX 1.00
  DATATYPE_BSX = 17001;

   * Assistance data for GPS constellation.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use DATATYPE_LPP_AGNSS_GPS instead.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: BER encoded LPP 12.3, root element A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData
   * Essential elements: gnss-ReferenceTime, gnss-IonosphericModel,
   * gnss-TimeModels, gnss-NavigationModel, gnss-RealTimeIntegrity,
   * gnss-Almanac, gnss-UTC-Model, gnss-AuxiliaryInformation

   * Assistance data for GLONASS constellation.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use DATATYPE_LPP_AGNSS_GLO instead.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: BER encoded LPP 12.3, root element A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData
   * Essential elements: gnss-ReferenceTime, gnss-NavigationModel,
   * gnss-RealTimeIntegrity, gnss-Almanac, gnss-UTC-Model,
   * gnss-AuxiliaryInformation

   * Assistance data for Galileo constellation.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use DATATYPE_LPP_AGNSS_GAL instead.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: BER encoded LPP 12.3, root element A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData
   * Essential elements: gnss-ReferenceTime, gnss-IonosphericModel,
   * gnss-TimeModels, gnss-NavigationModel, gnss-RealTimeIntegrity,
   * gnss-Almanac, gnss-UTC-Model

   * Assistance data for Beidou constellation.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use DATATYPE_LPP_AGNSS_BEI instead.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: BER encoded LPP 12.3, root element A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData
   * Essential elements: gnss-ReferenceTime, gnss-IonosphericModel,
   * gnss-TimeModels, gnss-NavigationModel, gnss-RealTimeIntegrity,
   * gnss-Almanac, gnss-UTC-Model

   * Clock corrections for GPS constellation.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: BER encoded LPP 12.3, root element A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData
   * Essential elements: gnss-SSR-ClockCorrections-r15

   * Clock corrections for GLONASS constellation.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: BER encoded LPP 12.3, root element A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData
   * Essential elements: gnss-SSR-ClockCorrections-r15

   * Clock corrections for Galileo constellation.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: BER encoded LPP 12.3, root element A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData
   * Essential elements: gnss-SSR-ClockCorrections-r15

   * Clock corrections for Beidou constellation.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: BER encoded LPP 12.3, root element A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData
   * Essential elements: gnss-SSR-ClockCorrections-r15

   * Orbit corrections for GPS constellation.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: BER encoded LPP 12.3, root element A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData
   * Essential elements: gnss-SSR-OrbitECEFCorrections-r15

   * Orbit corrections for GLONASS constellation.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: BER encoded LPP 12.3, root element A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData
   * Essential elements: gnss-SSR-OrbitECEFCorrections-r15

   * Orbit corrections for Galileo constellation.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: BER encoded LPP 12.3, root element A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData
   * Essential elements: gnss-SSR-OrbitECEFCorrections-r15

   * Orbit corrections for Beidou constellation.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: BER encoded LPP 12.3, root element A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData
   * Essential elements: gnss-SSR-OrbitECEFCorrections-r15

   * Radial-along-cross-track orbit corrections for GPS constellation.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: BER encoded LPP, root element A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData
   * Essential elements: gnss-SSR-OrbitCorrections-r15

   * Radial-along-cross-track orbit corrections for GLONASS constellation.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: BER encoded LPP, root element A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData
   * Essential elements: gnss-SSR-OrbitCorrections-r15

   * Radial-along-cross-track orbit corrections for Galileo constellation.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: BER encoded LPP, root element A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData
   * Essential elements: gnss-SSR-OrbitCorrections-r15

   * Radial-along-cross-track orbit corrections for Beidou constellation.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: BER encoded LPP, root element A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData
   * Essential elements: gnss-SSR-OrbitCorrections-r15

   * Assistance data for QZSS constellation.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use DATATYPE_LPP_AGNSS_QZS instead.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: BER encoded LPP 12.3, root element A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData
   * Essential elements:s gnss-ReferenceTime, gnss-IonosphericModel,
   * gnss-TimeModels, gnss-NavigationModel, gnss-RealTimeIntegrity,
   * gnss-Almanac, gnss-UTC-Model

   * Code Bias data for GPS constellation.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use DATATYPE_LPP_CODE_BIAS_GPS instead.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: BER encoded LPP, root element A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData
   * Essential elements: gnss-SSR-CodeBias-r15

   * Code Bias data for GLONASS constellation.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use DATATYPE_LPP_CODE_BIAS_GLO instead.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: BER encoded LPP, root element A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData
   * Essential elements: gnss-SSR-CodeBias-r15

   * Code Bias data for Galileo constellation.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use DATATYPE_LPP_CODE_BIAS_GAL instead.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: BER encoded LPP, root element A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData
   * Essential elements: gnss-SSR-CodeBias-r15

   * Code Bias data for Beidou constellation.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use DATATYPE_LPP_CODE_BIAS_BEI instead.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * Format: BER encoded LPP, root element A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData
   * Essential elements: gnss-SSR-CodeBias-r15

   * Number of milliseconds since the Unix Epoch.
   * This can be used for example for service monitoring and testing purposes.
   * Note: the standard Unix Time is in seconds. In order to get that,
   * divide the value by 1000, and round down to the nearest integer value.
   * Otherwise this is the same as the Unix time, just with higher resolution
   * (milliseconds vs. seconds), and without Year 2038 Problem. Leap second
   * handling is similar to that in standard Unix Time.
   * By default server sends this data once per second. Less frequent updates
   * can be requested by specifying the interval in `Request.params` of
   * the subscription request. See PARAMS_UNIX_TIMESTAMP_INTERVAL in
   * ParamsUnixTimestamp for details.
   * Format: A 64bit unsigned integer value; 8 bytes in little-endian order.
   * Example:
   * d9 7e 1b 0d 6b 01 00 00 = 1559293034201 = 2019-05-31T08:57:14.201Z

   * Human readable ISO 8601 formatted date time string.
   * This can be used for example for service monitoring and testing purposes.
   * Server sends this data by default once per second. Less frequent updates
   * can be requested by specifying the interval in `Request.params` of
   * the subscription request. See PARAMS_ISO_8601_DATETIME_INTERVAL in
   * ParamsIso8601Datetime for details.
   * The response data can be modified according to the user timezone by
   * specifying the timezone to be used (defaults to UTC i.e. +00:00) in
   * `Request.params` of the subscription request. For details, see
   * PARAMS_ISO_8601_DATETIME_TIMEZONE in ParamsIso8601Datetime.
   * Format: ascii/utf-8 string (without null-termination), up to 29 bytes
   * Example:
   * 32 30 31 39 2d 30 35 2d 33 31 54 31 31 3a 35 35 3a 33 39 2e 30 39 31 2b
   * 30 33 3a 30 30 = "2019-05-31T11:55:39.091+03:00"

   * Predicted navigation models for GPS.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use DATATYPE_LPP_NAV_MODEL_PREDICTIONS_GPS
   * instead.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * The prediction period is 14 days.
   * Format: Consecutive BER encoded LPP messages each one having
   * A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData as the root element.
   * Essential elements: gnss-ReferenceTime and gnss-NavigationModel
   * Each message provides predicted navigation models for same Toe (Time of
   * Ephemeris) for all valid GPS satellites. The validity of the navigation
   * models starts 2 hours before the Toe and ends 2 hours after the Toe.
   * The interval between navigation models is 2 hours so 12 messages
   * are needed to provide predictions for one day.

   * Predicted navigation models for GLONASS.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use DATATYPE_LPP_NAV_MODEL_PREDICTIONS_GLO
   * instead.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * The prediction period is 14 days.
   * Format: Consecutive BER encoded LPP messages each one having
   * A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData as the root element.
   * Essential elements: gnss-ReferenceTime and gnss-NavigationModel
   * Each message provides predicted navigation models for same time for all
   * valid GLONASS satellites. Each navigation model contains tb value that is
   * the index of a 0.5 hour time interval within current day. The validity of
   * the navigation models starts at the beginning of the specified time
   * interval and ends when the time interval ends.
   * The interval between navigation models is 0.5 hours so 48 elements are
   * needed to provide predictions for one day.

   * Predicted navigation models for Galileo.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use DATATYPE_LPP_NAV_MODEL_PREDICTIONS_GAL
   * instead.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * The prediction period is 7 days.
   * Format: Consecutive BER encoded LPP messages each one having
   * A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData as the root element.
   * Essential elements: gnss-ReferenceTime and gnss-NavigationModel
   * Each message provides predicted navigation models for same Toe (Time of
   * Ephemeris) for all valid Galileo satellites. The validity of the navigation
   * models starts 2 hours before the Toe and ends 2 hours after the Toe.
   * The interval between navigation models is 1 hour so 24 messages are
   * needed to provide predictions for one day.

   * Predicted navigation models for Beidou.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use DATATYPE_LPP_NAV_MODEL_PREDICTIONS_BEI
   * instead.
   * There are no request parameters for this data.
   * The prediction period is 7 days.
   * Format: Consecutive BER encoded LPP messages each one having
   * A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData as the root element.
   * Essential elements: gnss-ReferenceTime and gnss-NavigationModel
   * Each message provides predicted navigation models for same Toe (Time of
   * Ephemeris) for all valid Beidou satellites. The validity of the navigation
   * models starts 2 hours before the Toe and ends 2 hours after the Toe.
   * The interval between navigation models is 2 hour so 12 messages are
   * needed to provide predictions for one day.

   * Ionospheric corrections for GPS.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use DATATYPE_LPP_IONO_GPS instead.
   * The request may include parameter ParamsIonoCorrections,
   * see the definition of it for further details.
   * Format is one of the following:
   * - BER-encoded LPP 16 message containing necessary elements starting from
   *   A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData root element up to GNSS-SSR-CorrectionPoints
   *   element (referred to as "grid" in this specification).
   * - BER-encoded LPP 16 message containing necessary elements starting from
   *   A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData root element up to GNSS-SSR-STEC-Correction and
   *   GNSS-SSR-GriddedCorrection elements (referred to as "corrections" in this
   *   specification).

   * Ionospheric corrections for GLONASS.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use DATATYPE_LPP_IONO_GLO instead.
   * The request may include parameter ParamsIonoCorrections,
   * see the definition of it for further details.
   * Format is one of the following:
   * - BER-encoded LPP 16 message containing necessary elements starting from
   *   A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData root element up to GNSS-SSR-CorrectionPoints
   *   element (referred to as "grid" in this specification).
   * - BER-encoded LPP 16 message containing necessary elements starting from
   *   A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData root element up to GNSS-SSR-STEC-Correction and
   *   GNSS-SSR-GriddedCorrection elements (referred to as "corrections" in this
   *   specification).

   * Ionospheric corrections for Galileo.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use DATATYPE_LPP_IONO_GAL instead.
   * The request may include parameter ParamsIonoCorrections,
   * see the definition of it for further details.
   * Format is one of the following:
   * - BER-encoded LPP 16 message containing necessary elements starting from
   *   A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData root element up to GNSS-SSR-CorrectionPoints
   *   element (referred to as "grid" in this specification).
   * - BER-encoded LPP 16 message containing necessary elements starting from
   *   A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData root element up to GNSS-SSR-STEC-Correction and
   *   GNSS-SSR-GriddedCorrection elements (referred to as "corrections" in this
   *   specification).

   * Ionospheric corrections for Beidou.
   * Note: This datatype is deprecated, use DATATYPE_LPP_IONO_BEI instead.
   * The request may include parameter ParamsIonoCorrections,
   * see the definition of it for further details.
   * Format is one of the following:
   * - BER-encoded LPP 16 message containing necessary elements starting from
   *   A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData root element up to GNSS-SSR-CorrectionPoints
   *   element (referred to as "grid" in this specification).
   * - BER-encoded LPP 16 message containing necessary elements starting from
   *   A-GNSS-ProvideAssistanceData root element up to GNSS-SSR-STEC-Correction and
   *   GNSS-SSR-GriddedCorrection elements (referred to as "corrections" in this
   *   specification).

// DATATYPE_UNIX_TIMESTAMP request parameters
enum ParamsUnixTimestamp {
  /* default unspecified value, not valid for use */

   * Data sending interval in seconds. Has an effect only with subscription
   * requests. Optional. If not specified, server will send data once per
   * second.
   * Format: 16bit unsigned integer value (1 - 65535), which corresponds
   * time interval from 1 seconds to about 18 hours. (Value 0 results in
   * the default 1 second interval.)

// DATATYPE_ISO_8601_DATETIME request parameters
enum ParamsIso8601Datetime {
  /* default unspecified value, not valid for use */

   * Data sending interval in seconds. Has an effect only with subscription
   * requests. Optional. If not specified, server will send data once per
   * second.
   * Format: 16bit unsigned integer value (1 - 65535), which corresponds
   * time interval from 1 seconds to about 18 hours. (Value 0 results in
   * the default 1 second interval.)

   * Timezone string. The timezone can be either:
   * a) a timezone name, e.g. "America/Vancouver" or "Asia/Kolkata" or
   * b) UTC DST offset ±hhmm, e.g. "-0700" or "+0530"
   * If the timezone name is not recognized, server falls back to use
   * UTC = +0000
   * Format: utf-8 string

/* The parameter ParamsIonoCorrections can be used to customize requests related
 * to the ionospheric correction data types in the following way:
 * For the single-shot ionospheric correction requests:
 *   - Without this parameter: All the current "grid" definitions are sent
 *     to the client.
 *   - With this parameter containing IDs of one or more "grids":
 *     The current "grid" definitions and "corrections" for the requested
 *     "grids" are sent to the client.
 * For the ionospheric correction subscription requests:
 *   - Without this parameter: All the current "grid" definitions are sent
 *     to the client. Additionally, updates to the "grid" definitions will
 *     be sent to the client when they do occur.
 *   - With this parameter containing IDs of one or more "grids": Once
 *     new "grid" definitions and/or "correction" data becomes available,
 *     the current "grid" definitions and "corrections" for the subscribed
 *     "grids" will be sent to the client. Additionally, updates to the
 *     subscribed "grid" definitions and/or "correction" data will be sent
 *     to the client when they do occur.
 * Note that "grid" and "correction" data may be sent as one or several
 * protobuf Messages (it is allowed to have multiple Data elements in a Message).
enum ParamsIonoCorrections {
  /* default unspecified value, not valid for use */

   * IDs of the "correctionpoints" for which "corrections" are requested. Specified
   * as a string of comma-separated integer values (0 - 16383), e.g. "14,15,16"
   * or "25".
   * Format: utf-8 string containing only digit characters, and comma characters if
   * needed. When specifying multiple grid IDs a single comma character shall be
   * used to separate successive IDs from each other (see the example above).
   * No whitespace is allowed anywhere in the string and the string shall not start
   * or end with a comma.

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