メッセージの Protobuf 定義

HERE GNSS API で使用されるプロトコル

HERE GNSS API では、次に示す Protobuf メッセージに基づいて、特殊な通信プロトコルが使用されます。

このプロトコルを使用すると、通信側が相互にデータを要求し、要求されたデータを配信できます。 具体的には、クライアントは、特定の種類のアシスタンスデータを即時のシングルタイム応答またはサブスクリプションタイプの繰り返しデータ応答として送信するようにサーバーに要求できます。

プロトコルはコンテンツタイプに依存しません。 クライアントは DataType 、データの内容、形式などについて、定数とその意味を把握している必要があります。 DataType 定数の詳細について は、「データ型」ページを参照してください。

フィールド requestssubscriptionsunsubscriptions およびはで repeatedあるため Message、 1 つの Protobuf でさまざまなデータ型または異なるパラメータに関連する複数のリクエストを作成できます。 同様 に、サーバーは、たとえば、 1 つの Protobuf Message内の複数のデータ型に関連する応答を送信できます。これは、このフィールドdataも 1 つのフィールドrepeatedであるためです。

gnss.proto および data_types.proto ファイルは、次のリンクを使用してダウンロードできます。


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All rights reserved.
This software and other materials contain proprietary information
controlled by HERE and are protected by applicable copyright legislation.
Any use and utilization of this software and other materials and
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software. In the absence of such agreement, the use of the software is not

HERE GNSS Assistance protocol

This protocol enables the communicating parties to request data from each
other, and to deliver the requested data. To be more specific, a client can
request a server to send certain type of assistance data; as an immediate
single time response, or as subscription-type repeated data responses.

The protocol is content type agnostic. The client and server need to agree
on the 'data type' constants, and what they mean regarding the data content,
format etc. The data types have been defined in enum DataType in 'data_types.proto'.

The protocol is primarily targeted to be used over a WebSocket connection,
but it could be used with other transport protocols as well; there's nothing
WebSocket specific in the protocol.

syntax = "proto3";

package here.gnss;

import "data_types.proto";

 * Message is the top-level protobuf message type being sent from client to
 * server and from server to client. It comprises sub-messages of different
 * types, which enable client to request data from server, and server to
 * deliver data to client.
 * If a Request is somehow invalid, the response is an Error message.
message Message {

   * Request is used by client to request data from the server. (At least in
   * principle the other direction is possible as well.) Message type 'Request'
   * can be used both for:
   *  a) single-shot requests, for which the client expects a single (and
   *     immediate) response Data message from the server
   *  b) subscription requests, for which the client expects repeated flow of
   *     response Data messages from the server, whenever server has new data
   *     available (until client unsubscribes)
   * - If the server receives an invalid Request (for example with unsupported
   *   data type), it will reject the Request.
   * - The server may limit the number of concurrent active subscriptions per
   *   client connection, and reject excessive subscriptions.
  message Request {
    // The type of the data requested, required. See DataType in 'data_types.proto'.
    DataType data_type = 1;

    // Optional identifier for the request, selected by the client. The server
    // will include the same value in the response Data messages, which enables
    // the client to associate the response Data messages with a request. This
    // might be usefull if the client has made multiple requests for the same
    // data_type (with different request parameters). Value 0 means
    // 'unspecified', and must not be used by the client if it chooses to
    // specify this value explicitly.
    uint32 request_id = 2;

    // Additional request parameters, optional.
    // Arbitrary data given as key-value pairs, where the key is an integer,
    // and the value is a sequence of bytes. The meaning of each key and the
    // further interpretation of the value bytes depends on the assistance
    // data type. See Params* in 'data_types.proto'.
    map<uint32, bytes> params = 3;

   * Unsubscribe is used for cancelling subscription Request(s). Subscriptions
   * with matching data type and request id will be cancelled. If no data_type
   * is specified (=0), the unsubsciption is based on the request_id alone.
   * Correspondingly, if no request_id is specified, the unsubscription is done
   * according to the data_type alone. If neither of them is given, all
   * subscriptions will be cancelled.
  message Unsubscribe {
    // The type of the data request(s) to unsubscribe, optional.
    // 0 = unspecified.
    DataType data_type = 1;

    // The ids of the requests(s) to unsubscribe, optional. 0 = unspecified.
    uint32 request_id = 2;

   * Data-message is used for the actual data delivery (as a response to a
   * subscription or a single-shot request.)
  message Data {
     * Metadata-message is used to attach metadata about the payload data
     * into the Data-message, optional.
     message Metadata {
      // Unix timestamp when payload data was created, optional.
      uint32 creation_timestamp = 1;

    // The type of the data delivered, always present
    DataType data_type = 1;

    // The id of the request, present only if provided by the client
    uint32 request_id = 2;

    // The payload data
    bytes payload = 3;

    // The metadata
    Metadata metadata = 4;

   * Error-message is used to indicate that a Request is somehow invalid,
   * for example that a requested data type is not available.
  message Error {
    // The id of the request, present only if provided by the client
    uint32 request_id = 1;

    // Human readable error description, e.g. "Data type not available"
    string title = 2;

    // HTTP status code. We use non-HTTP protocol but we still map errors
    // to well known, standard HTTP status codes.
    // Clients use this code for automated / programmable handling of the errors.
    uint32 status = 3;

    // Required OLP API error code. All GNSS Assistance Data Service API
    // errors have format E619XXX
    // This code is used in the central repository of all OLP error messages.
    string code = 4;

    // E.g. "You cannot subscribe data type DATATYPE_NAV_MODEL_PREDICTIONS_GAL"
    string cause = 5;

    // Actionable instructions for the user,
    // e.g. "Contact hd.gnss.positioning@here.com to buy access."
    string action = 6;

    // Copied from X-Correlation-ID header generated by GNSS assistance server
    string correlation_id = 7;

  // The Message comprises of repeated sub-messages of different types. There
  // can be zero, one, or multiple messages of each of the following types:

  repeated Request requests = 1;  // single-shot requests
  repeated Request subscriptions = 2; // subscription requests
  repeated Unsubscribe unsubscriptions = 3; // unsubscription requests
  repeated Data data = 4; // data deliveries
  repeated Error errors = 5; // errors

」に一致する結果は 件です
