Execution Context

Data Client Base library uses parallel and asynchronous processing wherever possible to utilize resources best. It uses futures for internal handling (like de/serialization, encoding, decoding). Futures are run in an execution context. If your user application does not deal with dedicated execution contexts Data Client Base library uses Scala's ExecutionContext.Implicit.global. For further reading about this context please see here. If your application uses some custom execution context or you want to control the execution context for some other reason, so you can. Please see the example below how to pass custom execution context to BaseClient.

object WorkingWithBaseClientMainContext {

  implicit val myCustomExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.global

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

    val client = BaseClient() // this takes the implicit exec parameter
    val configApi = client.of[ConfigApi]

    val result: CatalogsResultBase = configApi
      .getCatalogs(verbose = Some(false))

    println(s"response: $result")
public class JavaWorkingWithBaseClientMainContext {

  private static ExecutorService myCustomExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    BaseClient baseClient =
        new BaseClientJava.Builder().withExecutorService(myCustomExecutor).build();
    ConfigApi configApi = new ConfigApi(baseClient);

    CatalogsListResult listResult =


Data Client Base library uses OkHttp stack for low-level HTTP processing. OkHttp is a Java-based library which uses its own execution context for IO. If you do not have any demand to control the OkHttp execution context it will map to Java's ForkJoinPool.commonPool(). If you want to control OkHttp's execution context you can pass it as ioExecutorService to the BaseClient. Please see the example below.

object WorkingWithBaseClientMainIoExec {

  implicit val myCustomExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.global
  implicit val myIOExecutorService: ExecutorService =

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

    val client = BaseClient() // this takes the implicit ioExec parameter
    val configApi = client.of[ConfigApi]

    val result: CatalogsResultBase = configApi
      .getCatalogs(verbose = Some(false))

    println(s"response: $result")
public class JavaWorkingWithBaseClientMainIoExec {

  private static ExecutorService myCustomIoExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    BaseClient baseClient =
        new BaseClientJava.Builder().withIOExecutorService(myCustomIoExecutor).build();
    ConfigApi configApi = new ConfigApi(baseClient);

    CatalogsListResult listResult =


Of course you can combine both examples above and pass both, execution context and ioExecutorService to the BaseClient to full control the usage of execution contexts.

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