
The Data Client Base Library is configured via Typesafe Config. Usually this means that you provide an application.conf which contains all the application-specific settings that differ from the default settings.

The following are the relevant default configuration values for the Data Client Base Library.

Settings {
  enable-instrumentation = true

  # proxy {
  #   host = "localhost"
  #   port = 1000
  #   credentials {
  #     username: "user"
  #     password: "pass"
  #   }
  # }

  request {
    defaults {
      retry-policy {
        # initial timeout between retries
        init-timeout = "10 millis"
        # max timeout between retries
        request-timeout = "30 seconds"
        # overall timeout of all retried requests
        overall-timeout = "10 minutes"
        # strategy of increasing timeouts between retries
        retry-strategy = "exponential"
        # max number of retries, 0 is infinite
        max-attempts = 5
        # http retriable errors
        http-retriable-errors = [408, 499, 500, 502, 503, 504]
      # The time after which the blocking request will be failed
      blocking-timeout = "5 minutes"
    # example
    # configApi {
    #   defaults { # <<< This applies for any ConfigApi call if there is no policy defined on any other lower level in ConfigApi
    #     retry-policy {
    #       init-timeout = "10 millis"
    #       request-timeout = "30 seconds"
    #       overall-timeout = "10 minutes"
    #       retry-strategy = "exponential"
    #       max-attempts = 5
    #       http-retriable-errors = [408, 500]
    #     }
    #     blocking-timeout = 1 minutes
    #   }
    #   base-url = "" # <<< use specified base url instead of querying Lookup API/Service registry
    #   getCatalogs { # <<< This applies for ConfigApi.getCatalogs call
    #     retry-policy {
    #       overall-timeout = "30 minutes" # <<< all undefined values come from parent, so from ConfigApi-defaults
    #     }
    #     blocking-timeout = 30 seconds
    #   }
    # }

  http {
    call-timeout = "3 minutes"
    connect-timeout = "30 seconds"
    write-timeout = "2 minutes"
    read-timeout = "2 minutes"
    user-agent-suffix = "default"
    request-logging = "none"
    max-open-requests = 10

    # The time after which an idle connection will be evicted (time of inactivity)
    # Must be greater than zero.
    idle-timeout = "60 seconds"

    # The maximum number of idle connections for each address.
    max-connections = 16

    # Whether to automatically release HTTP client resources at JVM termination
    auto-shutdown = true

  endpoint-locator {
    # Determines which environment to use for the discovery service's endpoints.
    # Possible values are: 'here', 'here-dev', 'here-cn', 'here-cn-dev', 'custom'.
    # If 'custom' is specified then 'discovery-service-url' property MUST be set.
    discovery-service-env = here
    # Retry policy for lookup service
    retry-policy {
        # max number of retries
        max-attempts = 5
        # max timeout between retries
        request-timeout = "30 seconds"
        # http retriable errors
        http-retriable-errors = [499, 500, 502, 503, 504, 429]

    # Defines a URL for a custom discovery service endpoint.
    # discovery-service-url = "<custom discovery service URL>"
  request-signer {
    # Billing tag, if provided will be added to every outgoing request.
    # billing-tag = "example_billing_tag"

    # Define credentials which will be used to sign outgoing requests.
    # If this configuration is ommited then credentials from ~/.here/ file will be used.
    # Otherwise only one of "file-path", "here-account", "here-token" configurations should be specified.
    # credentials {
    # Absolute path of properties file in file system. File should contain follow properties:
    #     here.token.endpoint.url
    #     here.access.key.secret
    # file-path = "/path/"

    # Settings for HERE account credentials, to sign any outgoing requests.
    # here-account {
    #   here-token-endpoint-url = ""
    #   here-client-id = "example-client-id"
    #   here-access-key-id = "example-access-key-id"
    #   here-access-key-secret = "example-access-key-secret"
    # }

    # Settings for HERE Token credentials, to sign any outgoing requests.
    # here-token = "example-token"

    # }

    # Settings for HERE Token credentials, to sign any outgoing requests.
    # here-token = "example-token"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""