
データ クライアント ライブラリは typesafe 設定を使用して設定されます。 通常、これは、個々のデータ クライアント ライブラリモジュールからreference.conf設定ファイルによって提供されたデフォルトの設定とは異なるすべてのアプリケーション固有の設定を含むapplication.confを提供することを意味します。

これらは、データ クライアント ライブラリモジュールに関連するデフォルトの設定値です。


# Data Client Reference Config File #
include classpath("here-cacerts.conf")

# akka {
#  # this is the minimum log level of events that will be forwarded by akka to slf4j logger.
#  # slf4j backend configuration can define higher log level in its configuration (i.e. in logback.xml or in log4j.xml).
#  loglevel = "DEBUG"
#  loggers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"]
#  logging-filter = "akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLoggingFilter"
#  logger-startup-timeout = 1m
# }

# This is the reference config file that contains default settings for Data Client.
# Any application-specific settings that differ from the default ones provided here should be set in your application.conf. {
  # Application defined string to be appendend in User-Agent and forward on each request.
  # user-agent-suffix = "<application user agent>"

  # Define timeout policy during retries.
  retry-policy {
    # The type of policy. Possible values are 'fail-fast', 'normal-pace' and 'best-effort'. Default is 'normal-pace'.
    # For each of these types there is a per request timeout, an overall timeout and
    # a maximum waiting time between retries like this:
    # retry type  | per request timeout | overall timeout | max. wait time
    # ------------+---------------------+-----------------+----------------
    # fail-fast   | 5 seconds           | 35 seconds      | 10 sec
    # normal-pace | 131 seconds         | 195 seconds     | 60 sec
    # best-effort | 5 minutes           | 61 minutes      | 60 sec
    # Note: This is not applicable for streaming which uses a general overall timeout of 3 minutes.
    type = "normal-pace"

  timeouts {
    # All timeouts use syntax of class scala.concurrent.duration.Duration which is roughly (for details see scala doc)
    # <length><space><unit> where length is some integer and unit is one of
    # d, day, h, hour, min, minute, s, sec, second, ms, milli, millisecond, µs, micro, microsecond, ns, nano, nanosecond and their pluralized forms
    # (for every but the first mentioned form of each unit, i.e. no "ds", but "days")
    # Infinity is defined as "Inf" without length or unit

    # This timeout defines the overall deadline for uploading all parts of an upload to durable volume.
    # durable-write-volume-overall = "10 minutes"
    flink {
        # This timeout defines the overall deadline for the tasks performed by the publish api.
        publish-api = "10 minutes"

        # This timeout defines the overall deadline for the tasks performed by the write engine.
        write-engine = "10 minutes"

  # Dispatcher which is used for blocking io operations
  # performed by Data Client
  blocking-io-dispatcher {
    type = Dispatcher
    executor = "fork-join-executor"
    fork-join-executor {
      parallelism-min = 1
      parallelism-factor = 0.8
      parallelism-max = 4
    throughput = 1

  blobstore-async-dispatcher {
    type = Dispatcher
    executor = "fork-join-executor"
    fork-join-executor {
      parallelism-min = 1
      parallelism-factor = 0.8
      parallelism-max = 32
    throughput = 1

  # Define the proxy configuration. The credentials key is optional.
  # proxy {
  #   host = "localhost"
  #   port = 9999
  #   credentials {
  #     username: "user"
  #     password: "pass"
  #   }
  # }

  # Component responsible for executing http requests.
  # With custom implementation it is possible to exchange default akka-http client with any other.
  # Fully qualified class name of the RequestExecutor interface implementation.
  # The Class must be public, have a public constructor with
  # (com.typesafe.config.Config, clientExecutionContext: ClientExecutionContext) parameters.
  # Any implementation MUST follow http redirects.
  request-executor {
    implementation = ""

    # Maximum number of redirects allowed
    # Applicable only with default implementation, must be >= 0
    max-redirects = 5

    # Please note that this section mirrors ``
    # however is used only for requests made with akka http with StdRequestExecutor {
      # The maximum number of times failed requests are attempted again,
      # (if the request can be safely retried) before giving up and returning an error.
      # Set to zero to completely disable request retries.
      # Number of retries for tcp errors only
      max-retries = 5

      # The maximum number of parallel connections that a connection pool to a
      # single host endpoint is allowed to establish. Must be greater than zero.
      max-connections = 16

      # The maximum number of open requests accepted into the pool across all
      # materializations of any of its client flows.
      # Protects against (accidentally) overloading a single pool with too many client flow materializations.
      # Note that with N concurrent materializations the max number of open request in the pool
      # will never exceed N * max-connections * pipelining-limit.
      # Must be a power of 2 and > 0!
      max-open-requests = 16

      # The time after which an idle connection pool (without pending requests)
      # will automatically terminate itself. Set to `infinite` to completely disable idle timeouts.
      idle-timeout = 60 sec

      # The "new" pool implementation will fail a connection early and clear the slot if a response entity was not
      # subscribed during the given time period after the response was dispatched. In busy systems the timeout might be
      # too tight if a response is not picked up quick enough after it was dispatched by the pool.
      response-entity-subscription-timeout = 15s

      # Modify to tweak client settings for host connection pools only.
      # IMPORTANT:
      # Please note that this section mirrors `akka.http.client` however is used only for pool-based APIs,
      # such as `Http().superPool` or `Http().singleRequest`.
      client = {
        # The time after which an idle connection will be automatically closed.
        # Set to `infinite` to completely disable idle timeouts.
        idle-timeout = 60 sec

        parsing.max-chunk-size = 10m

  #Turns on/off HERE certificates pinning = true

  # Discovery of baseUrls of various Data Service APIs like publish, metadata, query, etc.
  endpoint-locator {
    # Determines which environment to use for the discovery service's endpoints.
    # Possible values are: 'here', 'here-dev', 'here-cn', 'here-cn-dev', 'local', 'custom'.
    # In case no value is set, DCL will resolve the endpoint according to the HRN's partition.
    # If 'custom' is specified then 'discovery-service-url' property MUST be set.
    # Setting 'local' will automatically spawn a local service instance but requires
    # that the local-support module is added to the classpath.
    # It will ignore the request-signer settings and force the
    #* settings to "http-connector".
    # discovery-service-env = here

    # Defines a URL for a custom discovery service endpoint.
    # discovery-service-url = "<custom discovery service URL>"

    # Fully qualified class name of the RequestExecutor interface implementation.
    # The Class must be public, have a public constructor with
    # (com.typesafe.config.Config, clientExecutionContext: ClientExecutionContext) parameters.
    # Any implementation MUST follow http redirects.
    request-executor: ${}

  # Component responsible for signing all outgoing http requests.
  request-signer {
    # Fully qualified class name of the RequestSigner interface implementation.
    # The Class must be public, have a public constructor with
    # (com.typesafe.config.Config, clientExecutionContext: ClientExecutionContext) parameters.
    implementation = ""

    # Billing tag, if provided will be added to every outgoing request.
    # billing-tag = "example_billing_tag"

    # Define credentials which will be used to sign outgoing requests.
    # If this configuration is ommited then credentials from ~/.here/ file will be used.
    # Otherwise only one of "file-path", "here-account", "here-token" configurations should be specified.
    # credentials {
      # Absolute path of properties file in file system. File should contain follow properties:
      #     here.token.endpoint.url
      #     here.access.key.secret
      #     here.token.scope [optional]
      # file-path = "/path/"

      # Settings for HERE account credentials, to sign any outgoing requests.
      # here-account {
      #   here-token-endpoint-url = ""
      #   here-client-id = "example-client-id"
      #   here-access-key-id = "example-access-key-id"
      #   here-access-key-secret = "example-access-key-secret"
      #   here-token-scope = "example-project-hrn [optional]"
      # }

      # Settings for HERE Token credentials, to sign any outgoing requests.
      # here-token = "example-token"

    # }

    # Fully qualified class name of the RequestExecutor interface implementation.
    # The Class must be public, have a public constructor with
    # (com.typesafe.config.Config, clientExecutionContext: ClientExecutionContext) parameters.
    # Any implementation MUST follow http redirects.
    request-executor: ${}


# Data Client Reference Config File #

# This is the reference config file that contains default settings for Data Client.
# Any application-specific settings that differ from the default ones provided here should be set in your application.conf. {

  # To create queryApi/publishApi/etc. catalog configuration is mandatory
  # Request to fetch catalog configuration is blocking on object creation.
  # This property define max await timeout, MUST be bigger than 5s
  # Because all operations are timeout bounded, by default await until the underline operation fails.
  await-configuration-on-creation-timeout = infinite

  # Timeout that controlls maximum time of polling catalog configuration at the momonent of its creation in case of 403 response status.
  await-permissions-on-creation-timeout = 90s

  enable-flink-kafka-metrics = false

  config {

    # Delay between two subsequent requests to fetch status of create / delete / update catalog
    status-poll-interval = 5s

    # Fully qualified class name of the RequestExecutor interface implementation.
    # The Class must be public, have a public constructor with
    # (com.typesafe.config.Config, clientExecutionContext: ClientExecutionContext) parameters.
    # Any implementation MUST follow http redirects.
    request-executor: ${}

  metadata {

    # The time after which an idle connection to server will be automatically closed.
    # It MUST be lower than {}
    # When metadata service requests contains byte range header, server can keep connection idle for some time before sending data,
    # current max value on server side is 1 min.
    # Server support resume of download,
    # this value also define a timeout after which if no data pass through, connection will be restarted.
    idle-timeout = 1m

    # Fully qualified class name of the RequestExecutor interface implementation.
    # The Class must be public, have a public constructor with
    # (com.typesafe.config.Config, clientExecutionContext: ClientExecutionContext) parameters.
    # Any implementation MUST follow http redirects.
    request-executor: ${} { {
        max-connections = 128
        max-open-requests = 128

  publish {

    # Delay between two subsequent requests to fetch commit token status
    commit-poll-interval = 15s

    # Max. number of threads publishing to kafka in parallel
    # event ordering is guaranteed only in case of 1 which has
    # huge performance impact.
    # Applies to direct kafka mode only.
    # @deprecated use
    kafka-publish-parallelism = 2048

    # Fully qualified class name of the RequestExecutor interface implementation.
    # The Class must be public, have a public constructor with
    # (com.typesafe.config.Config, clientExecutionContext: ClientExecutionContext) parameters.
    # Any implementation MUST follow http redirects.
    request-executor: ${} { {
        max-connections = 256
        max-open-requests = 256

  ingest {

    # Max. number of threads publishing to kafka in parallel
    # event ordering is guaranteed only in case of 1 which has
    # huge performance impact.
    # Applies to direct kafka mode only.
    # kafka-publish-parallelism = 2048

    # Fully qualified class name of the RequestExecutor interface implementation.
    # The Class must be public, have a public constructor with
    # (com.typesafe.config.Config, clientExecutionContext: ClientExecutionContext) parameters.
    # Any implementation MUST follow http redirects.
    request-executor: ${} { {
        max-connections = 256
        max-open-requests = 256

  query {

    # Fully qualified class name of the RequestExecutor interface implementation.
    # The Class must be public, have a public constructor with
    # (com.typesafe.config.Config, clientExecutionContext: ClientExecutionContext) parameters.
    # Any implementation MUST follow http redirects.
    request-executor: ${} { {
        max-connections = 512
        max-open-requests = 512

    # Defines the behaviour of querying index partitions
    # Default value is `true`, which means that index partitions will be queried in parts.
    # When it is `false` the index partitions will be queried as a whole.
    query-by-parts = true

  stream {
    # Define the type of connector used with any stream connection. Valid values are:
    # "http-connector" - Uses the HTTP API for connections
    # "kafka-connector" - Uses Kafka through kafka-support (must be available)
    connector {
      # Defines the connector used to consumed data.
      consumer = "kafka-connector"
      # Defines where notifications are retrieved from.
      consumer-notification = "http-connector"
      # Defines the connector used to publish data.
      producer = "kafka-connector"

    # maximum size for embedded payload, if payload size is bigger than this value
    # data will be first uploaded to blobstore and later send to stream by reference
    max-embedded-data-size = 1024 kB

    # Fully qualified class name of the RequestExecutor interface implementation.
    # The Class must be public, have a public constructor with
    # (com.typesafe.config.Config, clientExecutionContext: ClientExecutionContext) parameters.
    # Any implementation MUST follow http redirects.
    request-executor: ${} { {
        # manage a stream web connection require consistently pooling for data, leasing and commits.
        max-connections = 128
        max-open-requests = 128

  index {
    # The time after which request will be retried
    idle-timeout = 600s,
    # Fully qualified class name of the RequestExecutor interface implementation.
    # The Class must be public, have a public constructor with
    # (com.typesafe.config.Config, clientExecutionContext: ClientExecutionContext) parameters.
    # Any implementation MUST follow http redirects.
    request-executor: ${}

  artifact {
    # Defines the name of the `RequestExecutor` for private access to the `artifact` service.
    request-executor: ${}

  interactiveMap {
      # Defines the name of the `RequestExecutor` for private access to the `interactiveMap` service.
      request-executor: ${}

Blobstore クライアント

Blobstore クライアント
# Data Client Reference Config File #

# This is the reference config file that contains default settings for Data Client.
# Any application-specific settings that differ from the default ones provided here should be set in your application.conf. {

  blobstore {
    # The strategy of loading a file depends on its size and multi-region parameter. If size less the property's value
    # then applies a single upload strategy. In other case applies a multipart strategy.
    # Disable single uploading when the catalog is multi-region.
    # The maximum value is 50 MiB. The minimum value is 0
    use-multi-part-upload-from = 30 MiB

    # Parallelism for part upload during multipart upload.
    # Allowed values are from 1 to 100
    multi-part-upload-parallelism = 2

    # Buffer size for keeping upload data in memory before sending it to server.
    # For perfomance optimizations actuall buffer allocation can be 2x more.
    # Must be bigger than 5 MiB
    upload-buffer-size = 10 MiB

    # The time after which an idle connection to blobstore server will be automatically closed.
    # It MUST be lower than {}
    idle-timeout = 15s

    # Define which algorithm will be used to automatically calculate metadata.checksum
    # of data published by WriteEngine.
    checksum-algorithm: "SHA-1"

    # Fully qualified class name of the RequestExecutor interface implementation.
    # The Class must be public, have a public constructor with
    # (com.typesafe.config.Config, clientExecutionContext: ClientExecutionContext) parameters.
    # Any implementation MUST follow http redirects.
    request-executor: ${} { {
        max-connections   = 512
        max-open-requests = 512


Flink サポート
# Data Client Reference Config File #

# This is the reference config file that contains default settings for Data Client.
# Any application-specific settings that differ from the default ones provided here should be set in your application.conf. {

  flink-support {

    # HERE Resource Name (HRN) a unique identifier of the catalog.
    # olp.catalog.hrn = "Whatever catalog HRN"

    # An identifier for a layer that should be unique within a catalog.
    # olp.catalog.layer-id = "Whatever layer-id"

    # Describes the structure of a partition in a catalog layer.
    # It is applicable only for the parquet and avro data formats.
    # olp.catalog.layer-schema = "Whatever layer-schema"

    # An interval in milliseconds that defines how often the sink should aggregate rows with the same index columns together.
    # Default value is 10000 milliseconds.
    # It is applicable only for the avro and parquet formats.
    olp.connector.aggregation-window = 10000

    # The maximum number of blobs that are being read in parallel in one flink task.
    # Default value is 10. = 10

    # The overall timeout in milliseconds that is applied for reading a blob from the Blob API.
    # Default value is 300000 milliseconds. = 300000

    # An interval in milliseconds that defines the length of the time window used to perform the batching of the metadata for the publication.
    # All partitions which needed to be published in a given time window defined by this attribute will be published together as one.
    # Default value is 1000 milliseconds, 0 disables the metadata batching & each partition is published separately.
    olp.connector.publication-window = 1000

    # The maximum number of parallel batches that are allowed for the publication.
    # Default value is 20.
    olp.connector.publication-parallelism = 20

    # The maximum number of blobs that are being written in parallel in one flink task.
    # Default value is 10.
    olp.connector.upload-parallelism = 10

    # The overall timeout in milliseconds that is applied for writing a blob from the Blob API.
    # Default value is 300000 milliseconds.
    olp.connector.upload-timeout = 300000

    # It is used to derive/compose the group ID settings of the Kafka consumer config.
    # = "Whatever group-name"

    # Offset is the sequential id number that unique identifies each data record.
    # It can get either the "earliest" or the "latest" value.
    # It is translated to the Kafka auto.offset.reset consumer config.
    olp.kafka.offset = "earliest"

    # A string written in the RSQL query language that is used to query the index layer.
    # olp.layer.query = "Whatever RSQL query"

  stream.kafka.multi-region {
    regionChangeListener {
      enabled = false
      poll.interval {
        ms = 100
        backoff {
          ms = 100
 = 1000
    timestampConsumer.parallelism = 5

Spark サポート

Spark サポート
# Data Client Reference Config File #

# This is the reference config file that contains default settings for Data Client.
# Any application-specific settings that differ from the default ones provided here should be set in your application.conf. {

  spark-support {

    # Indicates the delete operation for the volatile layer removes only the data.
    # Default value is true.
    olp.volatile.delete-data-only = true

    # The overall timeout in milliseconds that is applied for decompressing the entire data of the partition.
    # Default value is 600000 milliseconds. = 600000

    # The overall timeout in milliseconds that is applied for reading the partitions.
    # Default value is 60000 milliseconds. = 60000

    # Indicates if Spark connector must check partitions integrity before reading or not
    olp.connector.check-invalid-partitions = false

    # Indicates if Spark connector should ignore invalid partitions or throw an exception. When
    # `olp.connector.check-invalid-partitions` is set to false it has no effect.
    olp.connector.ignore-invalid-partitions = false

    # indicates the checksum algorithm to be used for checking checksum of a partition in case of the layer
    # digest attribute is undefined. By default it is "MD5". possible values are: "MD5", "SHA-1" and "SHA-256"
    olp.connector.default-checksum = "MD5"


# Data Client Reference Config File #

# This is the reference config file that contains default settings for Data Client.
# Any application-specific settings that differ from the default ones provided here should be set in your application.conf. {
  stream {
    kafka {
      implementation = ""

      # define kafka protocols versions supported by the client
      supportedKafkaProtocolVersion = ["0.10"]

      consumer {
        properties {
 = "1000"
      = "30000"
     = "30000"
      = "35000"
 = "35000"

      producer {
        properties {
          retries = "50"
 = "200"
 = "250"
 = "10000"
 = "3"
          # Reduced buffer causes Kafka to block early in case it cannot keep up with
          # the speed of publishing. In other case it throws a timeout exception
          buffer.memory = "1048576"
 = "4"
          acks = "all"
          # Should be larger than the service timeout which is 10000
          # This timeout is extended to take into account the time spent in Kafka producer buffer
          # in case messages are produced faster than consumer is able to send them
 = "60000"

      # Configuration for multi region stream layer.
      multi-region {
        # regionChangeListener monitors Stream REST's health to determine when a region change occurs.
        regionChangeListener {
          enabled = false
          poll.interval {
            # The frequency at which to check if a region change has occurred.
            ms = 100
            backoff {
              # when a poll failure occurs this defines how much to increase the poll interval.
              # It will be reset on a success.
              ms = 100
              # maximum amount of time to wait between polls, backoff will not exceed this value.
     = 1000
        # Timestamp consumers consume replicated message timestamp metadata. This value
        # specifies the number that will be created and run in parallel.
        # The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 50, with the default being 5.
        timestampConsumer.parallelism = 5

Flink および Spark コネクタ

Flink および Spark コネクターは、共通の構成プロパティのセットと、コネクタータイプごとの専用の構成プロパティのセットを提供します。 データ クライアント ライブラリの他のモジュールとは異なり、コネクタは typesafe 設定を使用せず、独自の設定を行うためのプレーンなキー値マップを使用します。 つまり、この章のすべての設定プロパティは、プレフィックスを追加せずにそのまま使用する必要があります。 ただし、コネクタは他の Data Client モジュールの機能を使用します。したがって、これらの設定プロパティは、ユースケースおよびレイヤータイプに応じて、上記の章で記述されているように適用されます。


  1. カタログに関連付けられています

    • olp.catalog.layer-format (string) - レイヤーで使用する形式を定義または上書きします。 レイヤー定義のコンテンツタイプと同じ値を使用します。
    • olp.catalog.layer-schema (string) - レイヤーに使用するスキーマを定義または上書きします。 レイヤースキーマの HRNS を使用します。
  2. データ API に関連付けられています

    • olp.connector.query-parallelism (long) - サブクエリの数を定義し、メタデータ のクエリに使用される並列処理のレベルを間接的に設定します。 デフォルト値は 20 です。
    • (long) - データの読み取りに使用される並列処理のレベルを定義します ( パーティションペイロード ) 。 デフォルト値は 10 です。
    • ( long ) - データの読み取りタイムアウトを定義します(パーティションペイロード)。 デフォルト値は 300000 です。 値はミリ秒単位で表されます。
    • olp.connector.upload-parallelism (long) - データの書き込みに使用される並列処理のレベルを定義します ( パーティションペイロード ) 。 デフォルト値は 10 です。
    • olp.connector.upload-timeout (long) - データの書き込みタイムアウトを定義します(パーティションペイロード)。 デフォルト値は 300000 です。 値はミリ秒単位で表されます。
    • olp.connector.publication-timeout (long) - メタデータ公開のタイムアウトを定義します ( インデックスのみ ) 。 デフォルト値は 300000 です。
    • olp.connector.metadata-columns (ブール型 ) - コネクタがメタデータ 列を提供しているか、または必要としているかを制御します。

      false ( 既定値 )- メタデータ列が指定されていないか、または予期されていません

      true - メタデータ列が提供されているか、または必要です

Spark コネクタ

  1. データ API に関連付けられています

    • olp.volatile.delete-data-only (ブール型) - ボラタイル レイヤーの削除操作によって、メタデータを変更せずにデータのみが削除されることを示します。 デフォルト値は true です。
  2. 雑則

    • olp.connector.force-raw-data (ブール型) - コネクタが生データを強制的に使用するか、またはレイヤー設定に基づいて blob がペイロードをデコードするかを制御します。

      true - 非構造化 / 生データ ( オクテットストリーム ) が含まれているものとしてレイヤーを処理
      false することを示します ( デフォルト値 ) 。ペイロードファイルは、レイヤーの設定に従ってデコードされます

    • ( long ) - パーティション(パーティションペイロード)のデータ全体を展開するためのタイムアウトを定義します。 デフォルト値は 600000 です。 値はミリ秒単位で表されます。

      false ( 既定値 )- 古い古い古いバージョンの揮発性リーダーを使用します

      true - 揮発性リーダーの新バージョンを使用します

    • (long) - パーティションの読み取りに適用される全体のタイムアウトをミリ秒単位で定義します。 デフォルト値は 60000 です。

  1. ストリーム制御

    • (ブール型) - Flink を使用して、カフカの消費者および生産者のメトリクスを出力できます。

      true - Flink 使用時に Kafka メトリクスが報告されることを示します。

      false (デフォルト値) - Flink を介した Kafka メトリクスのレポートを無効にします。

  1. カタログに関連付けられています

    • olp.catalog.hrn (string) - カタログの HERE リソースネーム
    • olp.catalog.layer-id (string) - レイヤーの ID
  2. データ API に関連付けられています

    • olp.layer.query (string) - レイヤーからデータを要求するときに使用される RSQL クエリーの述語
    • olp.kafka.offset (long) - ストリーミングレイヤーからデータを読み取るときに、が指定されます
    • (string) - ストリーミングレイヤーからデータを読み取るときに指定します
    • olp.layer.output.path (string) - objectstore レイヤータイプの出力フォルダーとして使用されるパス
  3. ストリーム制御

    • olp.connector.aggregation-window (long) - 同じパーティション情報 ( 揮発性およびインデックス ) を使用して行の集計を実行するために使用される時間帯の長さを定義します。 この属性で定義された特定の集計ウィンドウに書き出す必要があるすべての行が、 1 つのパーティションファイル ` ( ペイロードファイル ) にグループ化されます。 副次的な影響は、データがレイヤーに書き出される前にレイテンシーが追加されることです。 デフォルト値は 10000 で、 0 は集約をディセーブルにし、各行は個別のパーティションとして書き出されます。 値はミリ秒単位で表されます。
    • olp.connector.publication-window (long) - パブリケーション ` のメタデータのバッチ処理を実行するために使用される時間帯の長さを定義します ( volatile および index) 。 この属性で定義された特定の時間帯に公開する必要があるすべてのパーティションが 1 つのパーティションとして公開されます。 副作用は、メタデータがレイヤーに書き出される前にレイテンシーが追加されることです。 デフォルト値は 1000 、 0 はメタデータのバッチ処理を無効にし、各パーティションは個別に公開されます。 値はミリ秒単位で表されます。
    • olp.connector.publication-parallelism (long) - メタデータパブリケーションで使用される並列処理のレベルを定義します ( インデックスのみ ) デフォルト値は 20 です。
    • olp.connector-refresh-interval (long) - 消費者にストリーミングされるデータで ` ( クエリの述部によって異なる ) 結果となる可能性のあるレイヤーの変更を検出する間隔を定義します。 デフォルト値は 60000 です。 値はミリ秒単位で表されます。 -1 を指定すると、すべての更新が無効になります。
  4. 雑則

    • olp.connector.force-raw-data (ブール型) - コネクタが生データを強制的に使用するか、またはレイヤー設定に基づいて blob がペイロードをデコードするかを制御します。

      true - 非構造化データまたは生データが含まれているものとしてレイヤーを処理することを示します ( オクテットストリーム )

      false ( デフォルト値 )- ペイロードファイルは、レイヤーの設定に従ってデコード / エンコードされます

    • olp.connector.mode (string) - インタラクティブマップ Flink テーブルのスキーマを制御します。

      read - 読み取り用の行スキーマ ( すべての列を含む )

      write - 書き込み用の行のスキーマ ( 書き込み可能な列のみを含む )

    • olp.connector.max-features-per-request ( INT ) - コネクタが対話式マップ レイヤーから要求した機能の数を 1 回のコールで制限します。 レイヤーに非常に大きな機能が含まれている場合は、この設定を調整します。デフォルトは 10000 です。


他のデータ クライアント ライブラリモジュールで は、 typesafe 設定を使用した設定は提供されていません。

」に一致する結果は 件です
