Set up your team

Whether you're a team of one or a team of one hundred, the first thing you'll want to do is set up user accounts for the people you want to have access to the HERE Workspace. These could be developers, administrators, data scientists, product managers, or others - anyone in your organization who has a need to view data, develop data processing pipelines, analyze data, or manage your billable usage. Get a HERE Account.

Manage Users

An Org Admin is the role necessary to manage users. As an Org Admin you can also promote others to this role. See Manage Users for additional information. Descriptions of roles are found in Roles and Permissions.

Manage Groups

You can manage groups of users as well. See Manage Groups for additional information.

Obtain Credentials to interact with the platform

To fetch data, manage pipelines and other services you need to obtain platform credentials first. For additional information, see OAuth tokens

Obtain Credentials to fetch SDKs and other artifacts

To load the HERE Data SDK for Java & Scala, the HERE Data SDK for Python and the Visualization Library, you need to obtain HERE Maven repository credentials.

Set up Billing Alerts

You can set up alerts and request email notifications when a condition or threshold is met. Adding a metric can be summarized by the following two sets of steps.

Create a Notification Channel

An alert in Grafana has two components—a notification channel and an alert trigger. A notification channel is defined as a way that you can be notified by Grafana, such as email.

To create a notification channel, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Grafana tool from by clicking Tools > Monitoring and alerts.
  2. In Grafana, click the dropdown menu in the upper left, select Alerting > Notification Channels.
  3. On this screen, you can create a new channel and specify the notification method by selecting the type from the drop down menu. We only support email and webhook notification types.

Note: Grafana Documentation

For more details and options, see the the Grafana Documentation on Notifications.

Create the Alert

There are two important things to keep in mind before creating an alert:

  • Alerts cannot be created on the standard metrics dashboards that are supplied with HERE portal.
  • Alerts can only be setup on a 'Graph' panel in a dashboard.

To create the alert, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new dashboard, use an existing one you've created, or duplicate an existing dashboard. For more information, see the Grafana Getting Started documentation
  2. Select a new panel of type Graph. Alerts can only be setup on Graph Panels.
  3. Edit the graph by clicking on the Panel Title and choosing Edit.
  4. Add your metric to the Metrics tab. You can find more information on how to do this in the Grafana documentation on Alerting Rules.
  5. Select the Alert tab to add values to the alert.
  6. Select Notifications on the left side menu and add your previously created notification channel.

For more information, see the Grafana User Guide.

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