Upgrading to Newer Versions

This short guide describes how to upgrade the HERE Data SDK for Python packages to newer versions.

Updating Packages with Conda


Always upgrade all the installed SDK packages together at once: having a mix of different versions of the SDK packages is not supported. Conda should prevent installing a mix of versions. Please heed all warning and error messages you may encounter and don't force conda to install an incompatible mix of versions.

Use the conda list command to inspect your active conda environment, before and after the upgrade.

You can upgrade all the SDK packages using conda like this:

conda update -c conda-forge -c https://repo.platform.here.com/artifactory/api/conda/olp_analytics/analytics_sdk here-platform=2.22.0 here-geotiles=2.22.0 here-geopandas-adapter=2.22.0 here-content=2.22.0 here-inspector=2.22.0

If you don't have all the packages installed, you should mention only the ones you have installed by removing the packages not needed from the command above.

It's always preferred to upgrade all the installed packages at once, with one single command. To upgrade to the latest version, don't mention the version numbers.

If your working environment is described by a environment.yml file, amend the version numbers inside the file and then use the following command to upgrade the active environment to the new versions:

conda env update --file environment.yml -c conda-forge -c https://repo.platform.here.com/artifactory/api/conda/olp_analytics/analytics_sdk

Updating Packages with Pip


Always upgrade all the installed SDK packages together at once: having a mix of different versions of the SDK packages is not supported. Pip should warn if only some packages are upgraded and you end up with an incompatible mix of versions. Please heed all warning messages and address them.

Use the pip list command to inspect your active pip environment, before and after the upgrade.

You can upgrade all the SDK packages using the same command used to originally install them, specifying updated version numbers:

pip install --extra-index-url https://repo.platform.here.com/artifactory/api/pypi/analytics-pypi/simple/ here-platform==2.22.0 here-geotiles==2.22.0 here-geopandas-adapter==2.22.0 here-content==2.22.0 here-inspector==2.22.0

If you don't have all the packages installed, you should mention only the ones you have installed by removing the packages not needed from the command above.

It's always preferred to upgrade all the installed packages at once, with one single command. To upgrade to the latest version, use the --upgrade parameter and don't mention the version numbers.

If your working environment is described by a requirements.txt file, amend the version numbers inside the file and then use the following command to upgrade the active environment to the new versions:

pip install -r requirements.txt --extra-index-url https://repo.platform.here.com/artifactory/api/pypi/analytics-pypi/simple/

Changes from Previous Versions

For the full changelog please see .

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