
The HERE Data SDK for Python is configured via jproperties. This means that if the default values do not fit your application's needs you can overwrite one or more configuration parameters accordingly.

The default path to the application configuration file is

  • for Linux/MacOS: $HOME/.here/application_config.conf
  • for Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.here\application_config.conf

These are the configuration parameters for the HERE Data SDK for Python.

Parameter Name Description Default Value
READ_TIMEOUT This is the time in seconds it waits for any HTTP response. 60
RETRY_MAX_TIME This is the overall time in seconds it tries to get a successful response (incl. retries). 195
CONNECT_TIMEOUT This is the time in seconds it waits for a HTTP connection. 3.05
CONNECT_RETRY_MAX_TIME This is the overall time in seconds it tries to get a HTTP connection. 10
POLLING_WAIT This is the time in seconds it waits between repeated status retrieval requests. 5
MAX_OBJECT_STORE_UPLOAD_PART_SIZE_MB This is the default maximum size of objectstore upload parts (in megabytes (MB)). 96


RETRY_MAX_TIME = 600 # let's try a bit longer

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    No results matching ""